
The children’s book “Isla and Lulu” aims to create a more loving and inclusive world for children with disabilities, children who are medically fragile and their families.


The story, told through the perspective of Isla’s four year old sister, Lulu, offers an opportunity for young readers to have meaningful and brave conversations about those who experience the world a little differently and their siblings. 



“Isla and Lulu”, a story of love between two sisters, is a wonderful resource for children and families working towards raising children who are inclusive. It sparks brave conversations and actions on how to build more loving, inclusive and affirming relationships.

The book comes with child-friendly information on autism and epilepsy to support dynamic conversations after reading the book. 



We hope by sharing our story with you that we will be one small part of making the world a more loving and inclusive place. It is our greatest wish that you and your loved ones feel seen, celebrated and loved for exactly who you are, especially by those closest to you.

Click here to read it.


“Noelle Gentile’s ‘Isla & Lulu’ book explores medical fragility and family bonds”

Read Noelle Gentile’s interview for The Collaborative Magazine!

Each family is unique with its unique set of challenges. For a family touched by autism and epilepsy, the stress on siblings can be extraordinary. Siblings may experience a range of emotions about the challenges their siblings may face, some of that may be difficult to admit or process. These challenges, however, open the door to deeper bonds between siblings; these bonds are unique and special. ‘Isla and Lulu’ is an endearing story of two sisters that sheds light on- and celebrates- the special unique bonds siblings have in each others lives, in the midst of life’s challenges.
— Susan Alexrod, Founding Chair for Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (Cure)
Noelle Gentile brings a mother’s love and concern for both of her children to this beautiful book. A story about two sisters in a family that spans the range of what a good friend of mine calls “neurodiversity,” Isla and Lulu would be a great addition to the collections of hospitals, clinics, and schools—to be read by children and adults. The book covers heavy material artfully and gently—​how families, especially siblings, live their lives affected by epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disabilities, how they experience the world outside of the clinics where physicians usually encounter them, and how they support one another.
— Annapurna Poduri, MD, MPH, Boston Children's Hospital; Associate, Department of Neurology; Director, Epilepsy Genetics Program, Associate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Isla and Lulu written by Noëlle Gentile and illustrated by Maria Gabriela Gama, is a frank and beautiful story about love between sisters. The vibrant images and clear voice of little Lulu provide a window into life with an autistic sibling with epilepsy. Lulu says, “Even though I’m little, I have really big feelings I don’t always know what to do with them.” Wisdom that reminds adults to consider children’s feelings and our own. Lulu’s perspective brings the humanity and universality of the loving care of family to life with the simplest of elements, including the beauty of traditions and family stories, compassion and play. Families know one another and Lulu reminds the reader that she is an expert on her sister and her sister is an expert on her. The book, a work of art, provides a helpful mechanism for recognizing the strengths, gifts and joys of people who are different. Young and old alike can read Isla and Lulu and find a logical and empathetic roadmap for understanding between people. They will feel appreciation for the stories of struggle, both big and small, that many don’t realize are frequent in the lives of children with disabilities and their families. Included in the book is a section with clear and concrete language that helps explain behaviors and gives research based suggestions for actions to support autistic friends and for responding to seizures. Isla and Lulu is a wonderful addition to any home or classroom library.
— Dr. Tammy Ellis-Robinson, Division of Special Education, University at Albany

PURCHASE A COPY OF ‘Isla and Lulu’!

Online at Troy Bookmakers or at local bookstores: Open Door Bookstore, Market Block Books and The Little Bookhouse.

Click Here!



Book an author visit for the 2020-2021 school year with ‘Isla and Lulu’ author, Nöelle Gentile!

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Noëlle Gentile is a director, producer, writer and artist educator, who seeks to create spaces for people to tell their stories through writing, film and theatre as a vehicle for transformation, healing and connection. She lives in upstate New York with her family.

Book workshops at:


MARIA GABRIELA the illustrator

Maria Gabriela Gama is a Brazilian graphic designer and illustrator. She is involved with multiple children-related projects and hopes to promote positive changes through her art.



LORETTA LONGO educational content

Loretta Longo is a Human Resources professional, specializing in employee relations, talent acquisition, training & development and performance management. Her passion is people. She is a fierce advocate for people with diverse abilities, and their families. In following her passion, she has brought together a collective of approximately 200 Capital Region families, helping to bridge the gap between their needs and the community resources that will best support them. Since 2016, she proudly serves as a member of the Board for the Tourette Association of America’s Greater NYS Chapter. Loretta lives in Latham, NY with her husband and two children.